Donations in form of Stocks
Did you know that you can make a donation to the Cheboygan County Humane Society in the form of a stock using the following information:
Name of Brokerage Firm: Edwards Jones
Address of Brokerage Firm: 12555 Manchester Rd St. Louis MO
Phone number of Firm: 314-515-2000 or 800-ed-jones
Contact Person at Firm: Thomas Christensen
DTC #: DCT#0057
Account #: 217-148941-1-8
Name on Account at Firm: Cheboygan County Humane Society
Type of Account at Firm: Non Profit
Fed Tax ID for Account: 38-2096214
Name of Stock or Mutual Fund
How Many Shares or Value
Donor Information: Needed for Tax receipt
Remain Anonymous: Yes or No
For further information please contact us.
Posted on September 29th, 2015 in News.