Donate a Kuranda Bed today
We need you!
CCHS is in need of additional beds (40 INCH) for the dogs that come to visit us until they find their forever home! These beds help provide comfort during their stay, especially for our older visitors! We had some donated in the past, we still don’t have enough for all of our kennels.
You can help by making a donation through the Kuranda dog and cats website at By donating through this website you can get discounted pricing for y…our donation and they will send them to us. Please visit and make your donation today. It’s easy to us by clicking on donate a bed searching for us by zip code and pressing donate The discounted pricing under our donation page start at about $59.00 for a bed and goes up from there. There is also an opportunity to donate replacement fabric for the stands starting with your donations of only about $21.00. Please check them out and help the animals here at the shelter.
Posted on March 28th, 2017 in News.